Modern Stoicism Podcast
The official podcast of Modern Stoicism! If you'd like to support the podcast, check out our Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/modernstoicism !
Modern Stoicism Podcast
Greg Sadler, Modern Stoicism, Stoicism Today, and Grassroots Movements
Season 1
Episode 6
In this episode, I talk to Greg Sadler about Modern Stoicism, the Stoicism Today Blog, and grassroots activities in the modern Stoicism movement.
Greg is the editor of Stoicism Today, a certified philosophical counselor, he teaches at the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design, and he is a Team Member of Modern Stoicism.
Check out Greg Sadler at:
YouTube: Gregory B. Sadler
Blog: https://reasonio.wordpress.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gbsadler
Twitter: @philosopher70
If you'd like to find out more about creating a Stoa in your region, or a Stoicon-X event, check out: https://stoicfellowship.com/
Music in this episode was provided by bensound.com